Recently, at the AGM of the Gloucester and Wiltshire Law Society, ABD Partner Roger Chadwick was elected to become the new President. The term of office commences January 2012 and runs for 18 months. Roger is based at the ABD offices in Devizes, Wiltshire and is already working hard and on the case.

Roger Chadwick "as pleased as punch" to be elected.
Roger who has been on the committee for 2 years already is really excited about his new role of becoming President in 2012.
Roger plans to make some significant changes to the way the Gloucester and Wilts operates....
He has already started to actively recruit sponsors which has created really good interest and is working very well.
He is also looking for new members, in particular social members who can attend social networking development functions to not only develop their own businesses, but to also promote the Law Society in becoming a more accessible body.
Roger has invited the Legal Ombudsman for England and Wales Adam Sampson to attend Bowood Golf and Country Club, Calne, Near Chippenham in September 2011 to talk to solicitors about the role of the legal ombudsman and the changing complaints structure.
Adam Sampson was previously Chief Executive of "Shelter" the country's leading housing and homeless charity before he became chief Legal Ombudsman for England and Wales.
The legal ombudsman was established by the Office for Legal Complaints. It is an independant consumer focused ombudsman scheme set up to resolve complaints to members of the public, businesses, charities and trusts about lawyers in England and Wales in a fair and independant way without taking sides.
Keep posted and up to date with a follow on from this blog for the results of the this important exciting meeting and how Roger gets on.